Voucher is valid for 60 months (5 years) from date of issue.
Advance booking is essential, please book by ringing operations on 01-6282930. PLEASE BRING A PRINTED COPY OF YOUR VOUCHER WITH YOU FOR SECURITY VERIFICATION.
Subject to availability.
24 hour cancellation required.
One voucher per person. Additional vouchers may be purchased as gifts.
No cash value / cash back.
Entire simulator & flight value must be used in one session.
Please note, total flight time is from aircraft engine start to aircraft engine shut down. Engine start, taxing, power checks, following ATC specific instructions and engine shut down all form part of the flight experience.
If you have chosen the lunch option, you will be given a gift card to the lunch value purchased, this card may be used in the restaurant on the day of your flight, or at a later date.
The restaurant does not operate a dining booking system.